Sintex industry najnovšie správy 2021
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Sintex Industries Ltd. key Products/Revenue Segments include Textiles for the year ending 31-Mar-2020. For the quarter ended 31-12-2020, the company has reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 538.05 Crore, up 66.71 % from last quarter Total Income of Rs 322.75 Crore and up 24.97 % from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 430.53 Crore.
Sintex Industries share price high is about -100% of the candle stick body. Sintex Industries share price Low made is about 11.11% below the opening. Low share price is about -72% of the candle stick body. Sintex Industries SINTEX share price forecast & targets for mid-term is a uptrend, and nearest possible future share price target is 3 or 2.80 Sintex Industries is currently trading at 2.80 However, if the trend reverses from this point, then a possible future share price target could be 1 or 2.80 SINTEX INDUSTRIES LIMITED HAS BEEN DEMERGED INTO TWO COMPANIES.
Firma SINTEX SK, s.r.o. - výrobca úpletov a pletených výrobkov. Profil spoločnosti. Sme slovenskou textilnou spoločnosťou zaoberajúcou sa výrobou zátažnych pletenín, výrobou na plochých pletacích strojoch a taktiež sa zameriavame na výrobou hotových konfekčných výrobkov.
Low share price is about -72% of the candle stick body. SINTEX INDUSTRIES LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 11/02/2021 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Meeting of Board of Directors of our Company to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results (Standalone and Consolidated) for the Third quarter and Nine months ended 31st December, 2020 Sintex Industries Ltd. real time quote is equal to 4.060 INR at 2021-02-13, but your current investment may be devalued in the future.
Pozrite si novinky zo sveta technologického Atos vývoja, virtuálnej reality, Industry 4.0 a mnohých iných IT sfér. Ak chcete zobraziť ďalšie poznámky a správy, pozrite si domovskú stránkuhistórie aktualizácií windowsu 8,1 a windows servera 2012 R2. Dôležité: 9. marec 2021 Ako súčasť ukončenia podpory pre Adobe Flash je teraz KB4577586 k dispozícii ako voliteľná aktualizácia zo služby Windows Update (Wu) a Windows Server Update Services Zmeny vzdelávania pre Industry 4.0 potrebujú široký konsenzus. Zamestnávatelia ho hľadajú spoločne so školami Bratislava, 18.
Sintex Industries is currently trading at 2.80 However, if the trend reverses from this point, then a possible future share price target could be 1 or 2.80 SINTEX INDUSTRIES LIMITED HAS BEEN DEMERGED INTO TWO COMPANIES. THIS WEBSITE IS FOR SINTEX INDUSTRIES LIMITED HAVING TEXTILES AND YARNS BUSINESS. If you want to visit Plastics, Custom Moulding, Prefab & Infra Business of Sintex Plastics Technology Limited, visit Sintex will be having bedlinen bedsheet factory sale from 22 – 25 Dec and from 30 Dec – 1 Jan, 10am to 6pm daily. Sintex bedlinen factory sale with prices starting from $5 onwards from 31 Dec 2016 – 2 Jan 2017 Feb 10, 2021 · Sintex Industries Limited has been demerged into two Companies. This website is for Sintex Plastics Technology Limited having Custom Moulding, Prefab and Plastics business. If you want to visit Textiles and Yarns Business of Sintex Industries Limited, visit Sintex will be having bedlinen bedsheet factory sale from 22 – 25 Dec and from 30 Dec – 1 Jan, 10am to 6pm daily.
See the company profile for SINTEX INDUSTRIES LTD. (SINTEX.BO), including business summary, industry/sector information, number of employees, corporate governance, key executives and salary Read all your newspapers and news sites online Slovakia in one app. You will find newspapers from all around the world. The Hot Topics will bring the news presented by list. Get Top Management, MD , CEO , HR Manager Contact details with Email id of Sintex Industries Ltd in Ahmedabad . Address , contact numbers, contact details of CIO , Chief Finance Officer CFO, HR Head, Sales Head, Purchase Head, Admin Head, Marketing Head or Manager also available. Sintex Industries Limited is engaged in the manufacturing of plastic products, and spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles. The Company's segments include Retail and Custom Molding.
Sintex Industries share price high is about -100% of the candle stick body. Sintex Industries share price Low made is about 11.11% below the opening. Low share price is about -72% of the candle stick body. SINTEX INDUSTRIES LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 11/02/2021 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Meeting of Board of Directors of our Company to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results (Standalone and Consolidated) for the Third quarter and Nine months ended 31st December, 2020 Sintex Industries Ltd. real time quote is equal to 4.060 INR at 2021-02-13, but your current investment may be devalued in the future. Get Our PREMIUM Forecast Now, from ONLY $7.49!
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This website is for Sintex Plastics Technology Limited having Custom Moulding, Prefab and Plastics business. If you want to visit Textiles and Yarns Business of Sintex Industries Limited, visit Aktualizované 11.3.2021 1 978. Nový PCR prípad. Nové PCR testy: 10 643.