Okex api v5


Jan 11, 2018 · Files for okex_api, version 0.1.0; Filename, size File type Python version Upload date Hashes; Filename, size okex_api-0.1.0.tar.gz (2.7 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload date Jan 11, 2018 Hashes View

It was founded in 2017. Today, OKEX picks up where OKCoin left off. You can trade bitcoin and Litecoin contracts, for example. If you previously held OKCoin credentials, then you can login to OKEX as normal. All trading balances in your futures account, open positions, and open orders will have transferred to OKEX. On June 7, 2017, OKEX open its ETH API function to Mar 03, 2021 · OKEx is a global digital asset exchange that offers advanced financial services to traders word wide by using blockchain technology.

Okex api v5

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For customers needing general help, a Support Center is accessible, featuring an FAQ of answers to commonly asked questions, API documentation, and a beginner’s guide to using OKEx. Apr 24, 2020 · Moreover, traders who satisfied OKEx’s KYC verification process, have at least 20 BTC balance and satisfy the Exchange’s trading requirements are eligible to join OKEx’s Market Maker program. Depending on whether you are joining the program for OKEx’s Spots, Futures or Perpetual Swaps markets, users can get -0.005% (i.e. a rebate) on Enter the API Key and API Secret. It is easiest to have 2 browser windows open, so you can copy and paste the API Key and Secret.

OKEx refuses to allow us to withdraw our USDT, they say it is in maintenance but that must be a lie. Useful. Share. Reply. You've already flagged this Read 1 more

OKEx is the world’s largest cryptocurrency, spot & derivatives and bitcoin exchange. Where 20 million users across 200 countries and regions trade over $100 billion of cryptos every year. If you want to buy Bitcoin, you can easily get it in 1 minute with Visa, Mastercard or other payment methods. OKEx is a world-leading digital asset exchange, providing advanced financial services to traders globally by using blockchain technology.

March, 8 2021 06:45:02 PM . Pasó. 0%

We have 20 million users online globally   2020年5月12日 usr/bin/python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import json, datetime, hmac, base64, zlib, threading, requests, timefrom common.Common import  2018年11月8日 本文介绍OKEX API Websocket WebSocket API for SPOT 开始使用WebSocket是 HTML5一种新的协议(Protocol)。它实现了客户端与服务器全双工  2019年6月5日 因为 websocket-client 新版的各种大脑降级设计很多功能无法使用需要安装老版本 websocket-client的包才能正常使用 pip3 install  2021年3月3日 如题,OKEX 的模拟盘API 接口已经从V3 升级的V5 了,FMZ 好像还不支持? 以下 报错信息: GetAccount: 400: {"error_message":"Please  of accessing, aggregating, manipulating, and processing cryptocurrency API Bitstamp, Bitflyer, itBit, OKEX, Paraswap, QUME, OmniAPI, Delta Exchange,  DDoS Saldırısı Nasıl Önlenir? TCP/IP Nedir? api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll Hatası Nasıl Çözülür?

Visit OKEx The OKEx Funding Account API allows developers to transfer funds between their main account, sub accounts, and various trading accounts. It can also get deposit addresses and retrieve histories of deposits or withdrawals. OKEx is a digital asset exchange that provides financial services to traders using blockchain technology. Currently, OKEx does not serve customers in Hong Kong, Cuba, Iran OKEx adds FLOW, the popular NFT token used by NBA Top Shot. One of the hottest trends in crypto is non-fungible tokens (NFT) which is being spearheaded by NBA Top Shot, which uses the FLOW token Jan 02, 2021 · OKex exchange launched its own Utility Cryptocurrency Token in 2018, to help pay for trading fees and other services like API limits. This tokens, commonly known as Proprietary utility tokens, became the biggest trend for the cr yp tocurrency exchanges Oct 16, 2020 · OKEx, one of the top crypto spot and derivatives exchanges, has suspended all withdrawals indefinitely, citing it lost touch with one of its private key holders..

Okex api v5

The OKEx Affiliate Program gives you an opportunity to earn free Bitcoin and a minimum of 30% commission whenever one of your referred customers places a trade on OKEx. OKEx Trading Rewards is a promotion program that offers rewards and welcome bonuses to traders. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be rewarded for your cryptocurrency trading activities. Dec 27, 2017 · Okex Python Client. A Python client for the Okex API. Most of the unauthenticated calls have been implemented.

OKEx is a digital asset exchange that provides financial services to traders using blockchain technology. Currently, OKEx does not serve customers in Hong Kong, Cuba, Iran OKEx adds FLOW, the popular NFT token used by NBA Top Shot. One of the hottest trends in crypto is non-fungible tokens (NFT) which is being spearheaded by NBA Top Shot, which uses the FLOW token Jan 02, 2021 · OKex exchange launched its own Utility Cryptocurrency Token in 2018, to help pay for trading fees and other services like API limits. This tokens, commonly known as Proprietary utility tokens, became the biggest trend for the cr yp tocurrency exchanges Oct 16, 2020 · OKEx, one of the top crypto spot and derivatives exchanges, has suspended all withdrawals indefinitely, citing it lost touch with one of its private key holders.. In an official statement published on Friday morning, the exchange detailed that it has suspended all withdrawals since 11 am (Hong Kong time) on October 16. The largest Chinese cryptocurrency exchange OKEx takes second place in the world in daily trading volume. The daily turnover of the exchange is about 170,000 BTC, which is approximately $ 1.5 billion.

For customers needing general help, a Support Center is accessible, featuring an FAQ of answers to commonly asked questions, API documentation, and a beginner’s guide to using OKEx. Apr 24, 2020 · Moreover, traders who satisfied OKEx’s KYC verification process, have at least 20 BTC balance and satisfy the Exchange’s trading requirements are eligible to join OKEx’s Market Maker program. Depending on whether you are joining the program for OKEx’s Spots, Futures or Perpetual Swaps markets, users can get -0.005% (i.e. a rebate) on Enter the API Key and API Secret. It is easiest to have 2 browser windows open, so you can copy and paste the API Key and Secret. Please don't link the same API more than once as this will confuse you when you are trading, it will also show you have more funds available than is actually the case!

It can also get deposit addresses and retrieve histories of deposits or withdrawals. OKEx is a digital asset exchange that provides financial services to traders using blockchain technology. Currently, OKEx does not serve customers in Hong Kong, Cuba, Iran OKEx adds FLOW, the popular NFT token used by NBA Top Shot. One of the hottest trends in crypto is non-fungible tokens (NFT) which is being spearheaded by NBA Top Shot, which uses the FLOW token Jan 02, 2021 · OKex exchange launched its own Utility Cryptocurrency Token in 2018, to help pay for trading fees and other services like API limits.

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okex-php-sdk-api-v5 . okex-python-sdk-api-v5 . README.md . View code README.md Open-API-SDK-V5. About. No description, website, or topics provided.

OKEx Status provides the status of system upgrades, maintenance and issue resolutions. You can check our latest system update here and monitor the update processes. BuddyPress, provider of social network components for integration with WordPress, has recently announced the release of V5 of the popular plugin. This latest iteration includes an all-new BP REST API and a new BP Invitations API. Both new APIs aim to take full advantage of WordPress 5.0 笔趣阁官网 网络小说阅读网 OKEx Welcome Bonus.